Saturday, September 25, 2010

Butterfly Tattoo Testimonials

Although seen as a simple symbol of butterfly tattoos have a significance that reaches around the globe. In Japan, the number of butterflies symbolizes the different stages of womanhood, while to the christian, they are an emblem for a newly freed spirit. However, they are most widely seen as a symbol of transformation. That — along with their undeniable beauty, charm and uniqueness makes them a very popular tattoo choice.

back tattoos gained popularity around the time that a change in fashion sense rolled around; with the advent of low cut jeans and high cut shirts came the idea of body art used artfully to tease. These pieces are often used to show the playful, sexy side of the wearer; while the art itself is generally done in a style that serves to accentuate the curves and of the wearer.

tattoos are undoubtedly one of the most popular tattoo designs in body art. They are used by every culture, gender and age group; they are used by themselves or to frame other symbols. They also carry an array of meaning; jasmine is a symbol of grace, an orchid, delicate beauty. A red rose tattoo is an emblem .

Hearts are thought to be a symbol of romance and love they are also used for significance, and are thought to be at the center of everything – soul and mind included. There are many ways that people like to depict the heart. Two hearts melded together can mean the love of two people, while a heart ripped in two can express a tragic affair; a heart with a free spirit, and so on.

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