Saturday, September 25, 2010

Butterfly Tattoo Testimonials

Although seen as a simple symbol of butterfly tattoos have a significance that reaches around the globe. In Japan, the number of butterflies symbolizes the different stages of womanhood, while to the christian, they are an emblem for a newly freed spirit. However, they are most widely seen as a symbol of transformation. That — along with their undeniable beauty, charm and uniqueness makes them a very popular tattoo choice.

back tattoos gained popularity around the time that a change in fashion sense rolled around; with the advent of low cut jeans and high cut shirts came the idea of body art used artfully to tease. These pieces are often used to show the playful, sexy side of the wearer; while the art itself is generally done in a style that serves to accentuate the curves and of the wearer.

tattoos are undoubtedly one of the most popular tattoo designs in body art. They are used by every culture, gender and age group; they are used by themselves or to frame other symbols. They also carry an array of meaning; jasmine is a symbol of grace, an orchid, delicate beauty. A red rose tattoo is an emblem .

Hearts are thought to be a symbol of romance and love they are also used for significance, and are thought to be at the center of everything – soul and mind included. There are many ways that people like to depict the heart. Two hearts melded together can mean the love of two people, while a heart ripped in two can express a tragic affair; a heart with a free spirit, and so on.

Butterfly And Flower Tattoos

Butterfly And Flower Tattoos, Designs, Pictures, and Ideas 1213

Together, butterfly and flower tattoos have some of the most distinctive, vivid, and imaginative designs today. Butterfly and flower tattoos also hold very powerful and emotional meanings among those who have butterfly and flower tattoos or those looking to incorporate the two designs together. Let us look at a brief overview of both butterfly and flower tattoos, examine what they can represent, and how they can be incorporated into the same tattoo design.

Butterfly And Flower Tattoos, Designs, Pictures, and Ideas 6351
Depending on the culture you consult, the butterfly has many meanings, but one of the most common themes for this delicate, elusive creature is that of dreams. To some, the butterfly is our dreaming self, to others it is the dream itself. Still others feel that the butterfly is love- fluttering away from us when we chase too hard, and coming to land softly upon our shoulders when we least expect it. No matter which, the butterfly is seen as delicate and yet strong, ever moving and elusive.

Butterfly And Flower Tattoos, Designs, Pictures, and Ideas 12325
Flowers may mean several different things as well, also depending on style and color. Roses for one have a whole lexicon of meanings for the many colors. Pink is the symbol of new, delicate love and red is for passion. Yellow can mean friendship or apology and white is the symbol for purity. Those same colors can be employed for a tattoo, or adapted to suit the situation. Roses, although the most common, are not the only flower depicted in tattoos by far. Tattoo artists can depict nearly anything found in nature or dreamed up in your mind.

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butterfly tattoos for women, especially those who are getting their first tattoo, the butterfly can be a formal, visible declaration of new found independence. A recent survey found that a butterfly was the tattoo of choice among newly separated or divorced women. The color may depend on the style of the butterfly or simply the taste of the one getting the tattoo.

Most people do not envision butterflies without flowers, and most also agree that flowers are more beautiful with a butterfly or two nestled among them. Legends abound about the meaning of certain flowers with certain butterflies- such as this one: The orange and black Monarch butterfly is symbolic of dignity, the black rose of death. The story further says that if you get a tattoo of a Monarch butterfly fluttering away from a black rose; it will wordlessly declare the end of a relationship and the return of dignity.

butterfly tattoos art

Tattoos, Designs, Pictures, and Ideas 123
Butterfly tattoos have been among one of the most popular tattoo designs that have been requested for woman over the past years. Butterfly tattoos hold a unique fascination with the human race and have always been subject to artistic expression whether it’s in music, tattoos, paintings, etc. With its vivid colors, striking lines, and distinctiveness, most people can’t disagree with the beauty of a butterfly.

There are literally millions of butterfly tattoo designs. With that in mind finding the right design can take time. Tribal style butterflies, Celtic butterfly designs, fairy butterflies, big bold butterflies, to small butterfly tattoo designs and anything else in between.

Butterfly Tattoos, Designs, Pictures, and Ideas 234
Butterfly tattoos can hold a variety of different meanings. If you’re not already on the bandwagon for a butterfly tattoo perhaps I can persuade you with the following information. Below I have given some information on what butterfly tattoos can represent, facts about butterflies, as well as testimonials from people that have received butterfly tattoo designs. Please keep in mind that a butterfly tattoo can represent different things to different people, below are just some brief examples.

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At first a butterfly is an ugly caterpillar and nobody even thinks to give it a second look. With time and dedication it transforms into something breathtaking. The metamorphosis process makes the butterfly a powerful symbol for transformation. Throughout our life we will be faced with change and transformation. A butterfly tattoo is an excellent way to remember that change, the dedication it took, and serves as a constant reminder to make the necessary changes when the opportunities present themselves.

Butterfly Tattoos, Designs, Pictures, and Ideas 532
If you know you want a butterfly tattoo I would advise you to look at the designs below to try and open up your mind to all the different design possibilities. It’s also a good idea to look at real pictures of butterflies to understand their shapes and color patterns.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Finding A Tattoo For A Woman's Tastes

Finding A Tattoo For A Woman's Tastes
Finding A Tattoo For A Woman's Tastes Looking for the right tattoo for a woman's tastes can be a pain, but these female design ideas should help you out a lot. You have most likely looked all over the internet for ideas and artwork, and most of you have probably been disappointed with most of what you have found. Don't let this bother you, though, because this is perfectly normal for any internet searcher.

Angelina Jolie Tattoo Popular

Angelina Jolie Tattoo Popular
Angelina Jolie has the phrase "know your rights" tattooed just below the base of her neck.

The tattoo has become more and more popular these days, a lot people around me are got gorgeous tattoos! From tribal to star, from butterfly to dragon, really cool! Of course, a lot celebrities are get tattoos. Today we talking about Angelina Jolie's tattoos.

Angelina Jolie is an American actress and Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Refugee Agency. She has received three Golden Globe Awards, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and an Academy Award.I love Angelina very much.

Angelina Jolie Tattoo Popular
Angelina's back tattoos has been edited and added to almost as much as her arms, if not moreso. She used to wear the Japanese kanji that translated to "death" on her left shoulder, but that tattoo was covered over with an elaborate Buddhist prayer of protection. It is a Sanskrit blessing in the Cambodian language, and she has said it is to honor her first adopted son Maddox.
Angelina Jolie's Tattoos Pictures

Angelina Jolie Tattoo Popular

Her lower back is the area that has been added to the most. Originally she had two tiny tribal-style designs on either side of her spine and a small dragon. However on a trip to Thailand, she had that work topped by a large tiger design

great tattoo designs, Famalle Tattoo

The question is a valid one. People usually get tattoos because they are a visual representation of something important to the wearer. If a person really wants to physically exhibit a pictorial image, why get feet tattoo?
foot tattoos images

First of all, people don’t always wear footwear that fully covers their feet. Women especially wear open footwear, and feet tattoo would be seen more often than not. This would apply to men as well who live in warmer climates, since they would often be wearing sandals or flip-flops.
beautiful female foot tattoos

Secondly, feet are a very attractive part of the body for many people. Having a foot fetish is not as uncommon as many people think it is. In this case, getting feet tattoo could be an extremely titillating enticement to attract some wanted attention to an area of the body that can be a real turn-on for some people. An erotic bit of artful ink on an ankle or an instep would be a welcome surprise to a new partner if they were seeing feet tattoo for the first time representing some exciting sexual iconography.
foot tattoos


Another reason that someone would get feet tattoo could be the very reason that feet are covered the majority of the time. Not everyone gets a tattoo to boldly let the world know their feelings. Some people are more subtle. Feet tattoo would suit this kind of person perfectly, because they would have the satisfaction of wearing ink without anyone knowing, unless they decide to let someone in on their little secret.
foot star tattoo for girls


Popular Dragoon Tattoo Design

So many Tattoos Design with some combination art. Dragon Tattoo is so Beautiful and colorful one of them are dragon tattoo design, or Dragon tattoo, Japanese Dragon tattoo designs, Cool Dragon Tattoos. Dragon Tattoo is most popular Tattoo in the world, most of the people like to make Dragon Tattoo. they are feel good and to be a better man if they have Dragon Tattoo, Wild and artistic, So many Dragoon Tattoo design we can found here. so just pick one. and if No Dragon Tattoos you like you can see on other post.. click Here to see sexy Girls Dragon Tattoos design

Popular Dragoon Tattoo Design

The Japanese Dragon is one of the most popular mythological creatures picked for inking and a classic choice for a tattoo design. It is usually depicted as a wingless, heavily-scaled snake-like creature with small clawed legs and a horned or antlered camel head, and is associated with sea, clouds or the heavens. Japanese Dragon Tattoo. like Kungfu Dragon and Dragon Master Tatoo. Girls Tattoo like using the Draagon Tatoo. look the Dragon Tattoo photo. taht is Very Sexy and Nice Dragon Tattoo on Sexy Girls Body. Do you Like it? So Sexy and So Beautiful Art and Dragoon Tatto so Colorful.

Popular Dragoon Tattoo Design

Popular Dragoon Tattoo Design

Popular Dragoon Tattoo Design Popular Dragoon Tattoo Design Popular Dragoon Tattoo Design

All Full body Tattoo, Sexy Tattoo

All Full body Tattoo, Sexy Tattoo

All Full body Tattoo, Sexy Tattoo

All Full body Tattoo, Sexy Tattoo

All Full body Tattoo, Sexy Tattoo

All Full body Tattoo, Sexy Tattoo

All Full body Tattoo, Sexy Tattoo

All Full body Tattoo, Sexy Tattoo

All Full body Tattoo, Sexy Tattoo

All Full body Tattoo, Sexy Tattoo

All Full body Tattoo, Sexy Tattoo

Modern dragon tattoo designs

Modern dragon tattoo designs
Do you love the dragon tattoos? There are western and eastern dragon tattoos, no matter what they mean, but these kind of tattoos are really awesome! Men do love Dragon tattoos.

For men, most of dragon tattoo designs do not include color—mostly because men tend to believe that adding color makes the tattoo less masculine and more feminine. There are different dragon tattoo designs in color that can be for both men and women.

Modern dragon tattoo designs
One of the nice things about dragon tattoos with no color at all is that it is unisex; both men and women can use the design. However, just adding a little bit of color to it, maybe just to outline it would make a huge difference in the appearance and the beauty of the tattoo.

One of these designs is a blue dragon in an upright flying position, with a green underside and orange flames all around it. When thinking about whether or not the tattoo is best for males or females, it is really all about the color scheme. With the blue dragon, this is mostly for men because it is fierce and powerful. If the tattoo were different shades of pink than quite obviously no man would be caught dead with that design. It is for a woman to have.

Finding To Arm A Good Tribal Tattoo Design - From Back, To Sleeve,

Finding To Arm A Good Tribal Tattoo Design - From Back, To Sleeve,Finding a quality tribal tattoo design online can be a fairly hard thing to do as you may have noticed, but finding those back, sleeve, or arm tribals doesn't have to be complicated any longer. Here are some crucial things you need to know about much of the generic artwork that litters the web, as well as how to find the top notch designs on the web.

 Finding To Arm A Good Tribal Tattoo Design - From Back, To  Sleeve,

As you may know, a tribal tattoo design can be one of the most amazing looking designs on a given person's body. The way the lines flow together can be breathtaking if done right. This is why you simply can't settle for some much of the generic content that seems to be all over the place. To avoid this, you should not rely on something like a Yahoo or Google search to find your ultimate artwork. This just leads to the thousands of websites that have cookie-cutter designs and most of the content is well over five years old. Also, the art they do have is plastered on hundreds of other websites already! Who knows how many folks might have that tribal tattoo design inked on their skin? Dozens? Hundreds? That is not a tribal tattoo design you want to "settle" for. You skin is way too precious to load it with generic, bland art.

Finding To Arm A Good Tribal Tattoo Design - From Back, To  Sleeve,

Which brings me to one last point about those types of websites when searching for your ultimate tribal tattoo design on the internet....

This last part has to do with the actual artists that drew much of the designs you see there. A large number of the artists do not have much knowledge at all when it comes to tattoos. In short, what this means is that they have no clue what it takes to draw something so that it will come out just as good once inked on a person's skin. Sure, they might be good at what they do, which is draw, but many of them have no idea how to draw something that looks good once implemented into real-life tattoos. That tribal tattoo design won't look half as good once taken from your computer screen to your body.

Finding To Arm A Good Tribal Tattoo Design - From Back, To  Sleeve,

Here is an easy way to avoid those places, while getting to the tribal tattoo design gallery of your dreams...

The way you get around those cookie-cutter type places is to use internet forums instead of your basic search engines to find your tribal tattoo design. I can't tell you how many different times I have used forums to successfully find tons of any given designs I was looking for. This is how I have always been able to find those hidden websites that feature high quality artwork that is not plastered all over the web. They aren't plastered all over the internet in part because they don't necessarily come up high on search results, which is a good thing. Also, many of these places have exclusive art that will never been on hundreds of other websites. Searching forums is by far the best way to find that quality tribal tattoo design on the web.

Finding a perfect tribal tattoo design, sleeve, back or arm tribals for that matter, doesn't have to be hard any longer, so please, don't settle for so much of the generic artwork that floods the web.

The most common Tribal Tats found

The most common Tribal Tats foundTribal Tattoo Near Sex
The most common Tribal Tats foundLowerback Tribal Tattoo
The most common Tribal Tats found
Tribal Tattoo on Side

Tribal Tattoos, although may appear to be simple at times, are undoubtedly appealing and among the most popular today. This article will help those especially new to the world of tattoos in general and particularly, Tribal Tats. The following walk through history will help shed light on some of the different Tribal Tattoo Ideas used throughout the decades.

The most common Tribal Tats found today dates back to the polynesians who used black, geometric tatau ornaments which appeared to be silhouette-like in many ways. In Europe, sailors were attributed for the earliest Tribal Tat ideas - they originated from Tahiti and were added together with the sailors' own maritime-themed designs. Over the years, they have evolved to become what is known as traditional tattoos.

Over in America, Leo Zulueta and Don Ed Hardy, an innovator, were both responsible for an exciting Tribal Tats boom in 1982 when they started "Tattoo Time", a magazine on tattoos. Featuring native Borneo and Samoan tattoos, it quickly popularized these tattoo ideas as a form of interesting tattoo style and design.

As illustrated from above, these modern day tattoos have strong ties and affiliation with natives and tribes from different parts of the world. It was from there that they slowly evolved into the Tribal Tattoo ideas we have today. Although it has been said that a handful of tattoo parlors and tattoo artists would turn down tribal tattoo designs due to their simplicity, a lot of tattoo enthusiasts begs to differ. Tribal Tats, as a matter of fact, needs articulate skill to be tattooed on the difficult body parts in order for it to look naturally "grown". In addition, it has also been said that the coloring of these tattoos requires a steady hand.

You can find an assortment of tribal tat ideas ranging from tribal armbands, flames, black, crosses, stars, tigers and an assortment of motives and designs that are based on tribal motives. Personally, I have 3 tribal tattoos tattooed on different parts of my hands - one of a tribal flame on my right shoulder, one of a tribal motive which I designed on my left shoulder and another circular tribal design on my right wrist.

My advice to all those who are out to get their own tribal tattoos would be to pick one that you feel connected or feel strongly about. Doing so will bring out the personality and individuality in you.