Wednesday, October 6, 2010

sexy tattoo butterfly

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Having a butterfly inked onto you is a very feminine trait and the insect is very lady like as well thus making a perfect match for that cute girly tattoo. How about getting an enormous size wings tattooed onto your back or lower waist? It may give you the feeling of freedom and flying away when troubles occur or you just want to be alone and explore for awhile. Of course, not literally but mentally. Either way, this design will most likely make you feel like you have freedom or choice.
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When you consider getting a tattoo of this creature, remember that there are thousands of different color variations and it would be wise to check out some photos on the Internet first before making your decision. Even a silhouette of a butterfly tattoo is equally stunning if done right. There are thousands of websites out there to give you a head start.

butterfly and flower tattoos

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Butterfly wings tattoos are usually not what the majority of women are thinking about when they enter the tattoo parlor, but it is very popular nonetheless. The high average of ladies get butterfly tattoos on their ankles. It is a common subject today when women enter tattoo parlors seeking advice on which kind of design they should or should not get inked onto them. The majority of artist usually come to an answer of either a butterfly design or ladybug. The third choice is some kind of flower decoration with pretty colors usually on the lower back waist area.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

tattoos butterfly valve cool

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Butterflies are often very delicate designs and you will find it hard to find a harsh looking butterfly tattoo. They are very pretty and can look great in several different places on your body although shoulders and ankles are the most popular places. You can choose so many different types of butterflies some in flight and others sitting the possibilities are endless. Only your imagination will hold you back where your tattoo is concerned.

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Whatever your reason is for choosing the butterfly tattoo you need to think about it carefully and choose one that will stay with you for life. You do not want to look back on your tattoo in a few years and regret having it done. Although tattoos are personal choices you do have to think about what your design will look like in a few years. A good tattoo will look great for your whole life so ensure that you use a good tattoo artist with a good reputation to do your butterfly tattoo.

tattoos butterfly beautiful

Butterflies are one of those tattoo's that will look great as a very small design or a huge back piece there are no limits and it will look fantastic either way. You can have the butterflies incorporated into another tattoo to make one design and often they are a nice way to link two different tattoos together. You can also have other items which will look fantastic with the butterflies, fairies and stars will finish the piece of well. There are many different reasons why women feel close to butterflies and everyone will have their own reasons for selecting this type of design.

Butterflies are often symbols of transformation and a new stage in your life; they will also represent joy and love. Many people have the butterfly tattoo done because they have experienced a huge change in their life. The tattoo is a way of expressing what they have gone though and the new stage in their ever changing life. Although for some people there is no symbol behind the tattoo and they have simply chosen it because it is pretty.

Tattoo Butterfly Symbolism girls

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When trying to decide on what tattoo you want it can be a difficult decision as there are thousands of different designs. Your taste, style and budget will often determine how big the tattoo is and where you have it placed. One tattoo that is very popular is the butterfly design it can look great either on its own or in a group. There are countless different designs to choose from and you will need to choose one very well to suit your personality and budget.

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Once you have decided that a butterfly tattoo is for you then you will need to decide what style you want it in. This is a popular tattoo to have done because of the eye catching colors that are often used on the wings. Although there are no set rules as to what colors you choose you will want them to be bright and look great on you. Where you have the butterfly tattoo will be your next consideration and how big it is will also need to be thought about.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Butterfly Tattoo Testimonials

Although seen as a simple symbol of butterfly tattoos have a significance that reaches around the globe. In Japan, the number of butterflies symbolizes the different stages of womanhood, while to the christian, they are an emblem for a newly freed spirit. However, they are most widely seen as a symbol of transformation. That — along with their undeniable beauty, charm and uniqueness makes them a very popular tattoo choice.

back tattoos gained popularity around the time that a change in fashion sense rolled around; with the advent of low cut jeans and high cut shirts came the idea of body art used artfully to tease. These pieces are often used to show the playful, sexy side of the wearer; while the art itself is generally done in a style that serves to accentuate the curves and of the wearer.

tattoos are undoubtedly one of the most popular tattoo designs in body art. They are used by every culture, gender and age group; they are used by themselves or to frame other symbols. They also carry an array of meaning; jasmine is a symbol of grace, an orchid, delicate beauty. A red rose tattoo is an emblem .

Hearts are thought to be a symbol of romance and love they are also used for significance, and are thought to be at the center of everything – soul and mind included. There are many ways that people like to depict the heart. Two hearts melded together can mean the love of two people, while a heart ripped in two can express a tragic affair; a heart with a free spirit, and so on.

Butterfly And Flower Tattoos

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Together, butterfly and flower tattoos have some of the most distinctive, vivid, and imaginative designs today. Butterfly and flower tattoos also hold very powerful and emotional meanings among those who have butterfly and flower tattoos or those looking to incorporate the two designs together. Let us look at a brief overview of both butterfly and flower tattoos, examine what they can represent, and how they can be incorporated into the same tattoo design.

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Depending on the culture you consult, the butterfly has many meanings, but one of the most common themes for this delicate, elusive creature is that of dreams. To some, the butterfly is our dreaming self, to others it is the dream itself. Still others feel that the butterfly is love- fluttering away from us when we chase too hard, and coming to land softly upon our shoulders when we least expect it. No matter which, the butterfly is seen as delicate and yet strong, ever moving and elusive.

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Flowers may mean several different things as well, also depending on style and color. Roses for one have a whole lexicon of meanings for the many colors. Pink is the symbol of new, delicate love and red is for passion. Yellow can mean friendship or apology and white is the symbol for purity. Those same colors can be employed for a tattoo, or adapted to suit the situation. Roses, although the most common, are not the only flower depicted in tattoos by far. Tattoo artists can depict nearly anything found in nature or dreamed up in your mind.

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butterfly tattoos for women, especially those who are getting their first tattoo, the butterfly can be a formal, visible declaration of new found independence. A recent survey found that a butterfly was the tattoo of choice among newly separated or divorced women. The color may depend on the style of the butterfly or simply the taste of the one getting the tattoo.

Most people do not envision butterflies without flowers, and most also agree that flowers are more beautiful with a butterfly or two nestled among them. Legends abound about the meaning of certain flowers with certain butterflies- such as this one: The orange and black Monarch butterfly is symbolic of dignity, the black rose of death. The story further says that if you get a tattoo of a Monarch butterfly fluttering away from a black rose; it will wordlessly declare the end of a relationship and the return of dignity.

butterfly tattoos art

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Butterfly tattoos have been among one of the most popular tattoo designs that have been requested for woman over the past years. Butterfly tattoos hold a unique fascination with the human race and have always been subject to artistic expression whether it’s in music, tattoos, paintings, etc. With its vivid colors, striking lines, and distinctiveness, most people can’t disagree with the beauty of a butterfly.

There are literally millions of butterfly tattoo designs. With that in mind finding the right design can take time. Tribal style butterflies, Celtic butterfly designs, fairy butterflies, big bold butterflies, to small butterfly tattoo designs and anything else in between.

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Butterfly tattoos can hold a variety of different meanings. If you’re not already on the bandwagon for a butterfly tattoo perhaps I can persuade you with the following information. Below I have given some information on what butterfly tattoos can represent, facts about butterflies, as well as testimonials from people that have received butterfly tattoo designs. Please keep in mind that a butterfly tattoo can represent different things to different people, below are just some brief examples.

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At first a butterfly is an ugly caterpillar and nobody even thinks to give it a second look. With time and dedication it transforms into something breathtaking. The metamorphosis process makes the butterfly a powerful symbol for transformation. Throughout our life we will be faced with change and transformation. A butterfly tattoo is an excellent way to remember that change, the dedication it took, and serves as a constant reminder to make the necessary changes when the opportunities present themselves.

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If you know you want a butterfly tattoo I would advise you to look at the designs below to try and open up your mind to all the different design possibilities. It’s also a good idea to look at real pictures of butterflies to understand their shapes and color patterns.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Finding A Tattoo For A Woman's Tastes

Finding A Tattoo For A Woman's Tastes
Finding A Tattoo For A Woman's Tastes Looking for the right tattoo for a woman's tastes can be a pain, but these female design ideas should help you out a lot. You have most likely looked all over the internet for ideas and artwork, and most of you have probably been disappointed with most of what you have found. Don't let this bother you, though, because this is perfectly normal for any internet searcher.

Angelina Jolie Tattoo Popular

Angelina Jolie Tattoo Popular
Angelina Jolie has the phrase "know your rights" tattooed just below the base of her neck.

The tattoo has become more and more popular these days, a lot people around me are got gorgeous tattoos! From tribal to star, from butterfly to dragon, really cool! Of course, a lot celebrities are get tattoos. Today we talking about Angelina Jolie's tattoos.

Angelina Jolie is an American actress and Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Refugee Agency. She has received three Golden Globe Awards, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and an Academy Award.I love Angelina very much.

Angelina Jolie Tattoo Popular
Angelina's back tattoos has been edited and added to almost as much as her arms, if not moreso. She used to wear the Japanese kanji that translated to "death" on her left shoulder, but that tattoo was covered over with an elaborate Buddhist prayer of protection. It is a Sanskrit blessing in the Cambodian language, and she has said it is to honor her first adopted son Maddox.
Angelina Jolie's Tattoos Pictures

Angelina Jolie Tattoo Popular

Her lower back is the area that has been added to the most. Originally she had two tiny tribal-style designs on either side of her spine and a small dragon. However on a trip to Thailand, she had that work topped by a large tiger design

great tattoo designs, Famalle Tattoo

The question is a valid one. People usually get tattoos because they are a visual representation of something important to the wearer. If a person really wants to physically exhibit a pictorial image, why get feet tattoo?
foot tattoos images

First of all, people don’t always wear footwear that fully covers their feet. Women especially wear open footwear, and feet tattoo would be seen more often than not. This would apply to men as well who live in warmer climates, since they would often be wearing sandals or flip-flops.
beautiful female foot tattoos

Secondly, feet are a very attractive part of the body for many people. Having a foot fetish is not as uncommon as many people think it is. In this case, getting feet tattoo could be an extremely titillating enticement to attract some wanted attention to an area of the body that can be a real turn-on for some people. An erotic bit of artful ink on an ankle or an instep would be a welcome surprise to a new partner if they were seeing feet tattoo for the first time representing some exciting sexual iconography.
foot tattoos


Another reason that someone would get feet tattoo could be the very reason that feet are covered the majority of the time. Not everyone gets a tattoo to boldly let the world know their feelings. Some people are more subtle. Feet tattoo would suit this kind of person perfectly, because they would have the satisfaction of wearing ink without anyone knowing, unless they decide to let someone in on their little secret.
foot star tattoo for girls
