Wednesday, April 27, 2011

2011 Body Art Tattoo Designs

2011 Body Art Tattoo Designs
to top tattoo trends and what will be the hottest in. These trends are so hot that one cannot ignore the big spikes in searches that will produce this year’s top tattoo designs for both men and women. So here is our vote or prediction for the whole 2010 and even into 2011 year in the world of tattoos. There are so many here it is a bit hard to narrow them down as it look like the entire field or world of tattoo designs will continue to grow by leaps and bounds throughout the next two years as it has for the past 5 or so years.

2011 Body Art Tattoo Designs are catching on big time. They have always been around and there have always been artists that specialize in creating authentic Japanese tattoo designs here in the west however, it has typically been more a fringe movement and had fewer devotees. However, this will change in fact it already has. Right now it is a micro trend of sorts with some short spikes of growth but it is going to catch on huge over the next year. This will include Japanese cherry blossom tattoos, koi fish, Geisha and Samurai as well as dragon designs. Most of these will be used on the popular locations on the body found below.

Ambigrams are hard to explain if you have not seen them before. It is a very visual puzzle that just can’t explain or translate well in words as funny as that might seem since they are made up of words. Ambigram tattoos are essential the art of taking two word designs and then putting together so a person can read one word when the tattoo is held upright and another word when it is flipped over. These are very popular and tie well into the whole literary and word tattoo trend as well as they work and look great on the forearm which is also a pretty popular location right now.

Danny Flower Tattoo Designs

Danny Fowler Tattoo Designs

Flower tattoo designs are very popular among females. A lot of women who want to have a tattoo will most likely choose flower designs. Flower tattoo designs are feminine, and they remain as one of the most common options among women who embrace the art of skin tattooing.

There are several reasons why flower tattoo designs offer a good choice for permanent body tattoo . Flowers are not only beautiful, they are also timeless. They signify a woman’s femininity and diversity. More often than not, flower tattoo designs are colorful, bright and very attractive. They make a good impression on a woman’s skin. The choice of colors is essential in coming up with a great looking tattoo .

Flower tattoo designs are sizable. Depending on your preference, you can choose to cover one entire area of your body with the design you want or you can choose one cute, small flower for one area of your skin. You can also opt for sprawling flower tattoo design to be positioned on your lower back. This is both sexy and feminine. If you want a smaller design or just a single flower for a tattoo , you can have it placed on one side of your upper back or on your upper arm – a common spot for tattoos.

Ancient Snakes Tattoos

Ancient Snakes Tattoos

Ancient Snake tattoos have been worn by many celebrities and famous gang members in the past.  


They type of tattoos Designs have been used throughout history to signify criminal affiliations in both Japanese and Russian cultures. 




Snake Tattoos designs are used for many other significations as well, such as rock music culture and even medical symbols.




Tuesday, April 26, 2011

some new stuff

This is a leg sock I finished a couple weeks ago hopefully ill have some healed pics soon

I did all the water and flowers on this one around some existing tattoos

This is the bottom half to a full sleeve.  Real fun and magical.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tribal Tattoos Designs

Tribal Tattoos Designs
The interest with tribal tattoos is not a mystery but has been with us since the Bronze Age over 5,000 years ago and is being practiced by various races all throughout the world. Tribal Tattoos Designs also varies from races, age of the person who wants to get it done, time, event and also memories.Tribal Tattoos Designs differs from every person who wants to get it done.

The interest with this designs are quite major today influencing a large amount of percentage in search engines namely Yahoo and Google. The Internet is also a great source for research and influence before getting yourself “inked” by a professional tattoo artist. Both men and women increase interest in getting tattoos especially tribal designs that are great in lower hips for women and perfect for the shoulders.

Meaning of these tattoos may differ in culture. Tattos are often an expression to oneself, a distinction or as a way of letting people know something important about their life. Some tattoos are done as a form of symbol which can indicate that you are part of a certain tribe or organization. Getting a tattoo can also be part of a ritual which is significant and an example of this are tribes in North America especially with Indians. Rituals that signifies a personal achievement, coming of age, etc. European people get tattoos to convey a symbol of membership and origins. Some tattoos can also be passed as a tradition to some making it more meaningful.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011


started this piece in Ft. Myers as a cap off to a sleeve that Mark Stewart did.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Body Art Tattoos

Body Art Tattoos
Tattooing has been in existence right from the time man came into being. For most part of our existence, tattoos were restricted only to the men folk. Even in the modern era, until a couple of decades ago tattoos for girls were considered to be a taboo subject. Girls sporting tattoos were branded as being of low morals, rebellious and a wanton woman. It was only when women celebrities started sporting tattoos on their body did our societies and communities start accepting it. Today we will find a lot of women sporting different kinds of tattoos on their body. There are many tattoo ideas that you can choose from to match with your overall personality.

Girls prefer tattoos that are more feminine, delicate and pretty looking. This is not to say that women do not prefer something different. You will find a lot of women sporting more aggressive tattoos on their bodies. There are a lot of women who think that large tattoos for girls are a real cool idea. Tattoos not only look beautiful, every tattoo has a story to tell. It symbolizes something that is closer to your heart and which has a deeper meaning to it than what you see on the outside.

Samina Tattoos Designs Style Pictures

Samina  Tattoos Designs Style Pictures

Second, they are also significantly less painful. Third, henna tattoo designs are very much similar to the designs used in real dermal tattoos , except that they are generally limited to reddish brown colors. But despite the fact that there are a lot of designs to choose from, there are still some things to consider before choosing the right tattoo for you.

Henna may not be inserted into the dermis but it still causes skin irritation for some people. Black henna especially, or PPD -containing henna , is highly allergenic. So before you get one, test whether your skin would illicit any negative reactions to the ink. If your skin shows signs of irritation, that means that your choices are limited to designs that are narrow and thin. This ensures that your skin gets only a small amount of henna ink. Choosing bigger and darker henna tattoo designs may cause extreme allergic reactions that can lead to anaphylactic shock.
Unlike dermal tattoos , whose designs come in different colors of your choice, henna tattoo designs are limited to reddish brown hues, or at least, the safe ones are. Although it is possible to use different colors for tattoos, this is generally not advised since this requires the addition of more chemicals to the ink. This increases the chance of the henna ink causing adverse reactions to your skin.

Lips Tattootattooz

Lips  Tattootattooz
The art form of Celtic has been here for a long time now. According to history, the Celts have been able to transmit their one of kind designs into the various fields of their life, weapons, jewelry and other types of metal items like shields and broaches. Back then, they were quite useful in times of battle as warriors, nowadays the are now recalled because of the artifact’s of Celtic art that have survived from Ireland, UK and from the far field of North America.

There is  really not much to be recorded about Celtic history, however, at some point in history the Celtic art form of Celts become very inspiring for some groups of art movements .These art forms and symbols of the Celtic design have been around over the years, however, the designs still stay complex, just like the were back then. Today, the designs and knot work have been made modern and even more complicated to compliment tattoo art designs.

Celtic tattoos were very much famous during the height of stone and metal work. Celtic tattoos are believed to be originated in Ireland. Several old documents with the Celtic writing and symbols can be found at the Trinity College in Dublin. Because of the Celtic writing and symbols that can be seen in several ancient manuscripts, it is believed that writing and art was one central thing.

Dragon Tattoos On Back

Dragon Tattoos On Back
Dragon Tattoos:Many people think that Dragon Tattoo are cool, and would love to have a Dragon Tattoo. Some of them know exactly what they would want, and many of them do not. It can be difficult deciding on a Dragon Tattoo to get. There are many designs and colors that you could get, as well as deciding on a place on your body to put it.

These are some ideas about Dragon Tattoo.
Some people have gigantic Dragon Tattoo that cover a lot of their body, generally on their back. This may not be as big of an American thing, but it is common to people with Dragon Tattoo. It is very pretty, but it would take a very long time and be very painful. Dragon Tattoo tend to be pretty large, and are very pretty and intricate. There are a lot of web sites where you can browse different Dragon Tattoo designs. There are so many different designs that you can get, that it can be hard to choose.The most popular places to get Dragon Tattoo are the forearm, shoulder, and back. Though, you can get them anywhere you could think off. The stomach is also a pretty popular place to get your Dragon Tattoo. The forearm would most likely be the place where it hurts the least; I suppose it depends on your body.  The legs are also cool places to get  

Dragon Tattoo.
These are just a few ideas about Dragon Tattoo. Maybe you don’t like them; there are many different places for you to get information about Dragon Tattoo. If you do like them though, there are tons places to look for Dragon Tattoo ideas, just Google it and you will find tons of them. Hopefully, this was very helpful in finding you and idea for a Dragon Tattoo.

Angel Tattoos Desings 4 Girls

Angel Tattoos Desings 4 Girls

The word Angel has a Latin origin, meaning messenger of God. There are three Choirs, or Spheres, each of a different rank and each Choir has three types of Angel Tattoo, each with a different duty. Their main role is to be messengers of God and to watch over us. Other roles involve being guards over the realm between heaven and earth, providing wisdom and good fortune and most notably, protection. They have universal appeal as they are depicted in the Christian, Islamic and Jewish religions, cutting across religious borders. The main types used for Angel Tattoo include guardian angels and fallen Angel Tattoo. I will look at the meaning of each. 

Angel Tattoos Desings 4 Girls
It is said that your Guardian Angel Tattoo is with you when you enter into this world, with you when you leave, and guides you through life in between. They are believed to be sent by God to protect mortal individuals during their time on this earth. They are in the form of humans with large wings, depicted as loving and protecting figures. Quite often they are shown in glowing or shining form, floating, looking down, as if watching over someone or something, in a protective manner. Some people wear this body art design to signify the connection with their Guardian Angel Tattoo, or a connection with a higher being.

Angel, Angel Tato Meaning, Angel Tatoo Meaning, Angel Tatoos Meaning, Angel Tatos Meaning, Angel Tats Meaning, Angel Tatto Meaning, Angel Tattoo, Angel Tattoo Meaning, Angel Tattoo Meanings, angel tattoos, Angel Tattos Meaning, tato., tatoo, tats., tatto, Tattoo, Tattoo Design, Tattoo Designs., Tattoos.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

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