Friday, August 27, 2010

The Best Butterfly On Lower Back Tattoo

One of the most adored body arts is having butterfly tattoos on back. These look very modish and are extremely popular amongst the women of every age. Let us look at the various aspects of butterfly tattoos on back.

 The Best Butterfly On Lower Back Tattoo
Best Butterfly Tattoos On Back Girls
 The Best Butterfly On Lower Back TattooBest Butterfly Tattoos On Arm Girls
 The Best Butterfly On Lower Back TattooBest Butterfly Tattoos On Feet Girls
 The Best Butterfly On Lower Back Tattoo
The Best Butterfly On Lower Back Tattoo

Those who feel butterfly tattoos are just perfect for your lower back, let me tell you that they look equally cool on your upper back or any other spot on your entire back. You can place them on one side of your upper back. You can also have a butterfly tattoo design starting from your back till your shoulders and further extending to your arms. You can place them on either side of your back or at the center. You can also have the same butterfly tattoos on back and on other parts of your body to make a classic pair. So you can place one on your back and other one on your foot, arms, wrist or other part that you would like to ink over.

Tribal Tattoo women on Arm

Tribal Tattoo women on ArmTribal Tattoo women on Arm

Tribal Tattoo On Back Body of Man


Tattoos have been around for centuries. Anywhere from Polynesian islands, maritime sailors, traditional civilizations, and ancient cultures, a tattoo is always symbolic. In the Samoan culture, tattoos are called “tataus” and are excruciatingly performed as a rite or initiation for a boy’s coming of age. They have a saying, “If a girl is born, she must bear the pain of birth. If a boy is born, he must bear the pain of tatau.” It was a symbol of pride and manhood for the men of their tribe. Any man who died without a tatau would be thrown into the forest without a proper burial.

Tribal tattoos usually reference the Polynesian culture’s design and aesthetics. In the 1980s, there was a sudden explosion of Tribal influences due to the release of Ed Hardy and Leo Zulueta’s tribal artwork. This revival is important in some aspects. Honestly, most people have tribal tattoos because it looks cool. However, one thing is certain. It connects us to a mysterious and ancient past, and that feeling gives us a greater connection to the deep history of the world.

Tattoos were once an integral part of human interaction. Today, many tattoos are self-motivated expressions of personal freedom, while many choose ones that will be unique to them and hold special meanings. During ancient times, tribal tattoos were a mark for tribe members to be distinguished easily by other tribes. Sometimes these tattoos symbolized rank and power.

Neck Tattoos for Girls Collection

Neck Tattoos for Girls
Tattoos are the in thing these days, especially neck tattoos! They have caught fancy of women around the world. The following article describes the different types of neck tattoos a girl can have. If you are looking for just the right kind of tattoo for your neck, read on...

Neck Tattoos for Girls Collection
Star Tattoo Designs For Neck

Naturally flower tattoos are up the list as well, in fact I think I will write about the Top 10 tattoos, wud be ever so exciting, doncha think ?
Flower Tattoo Designs For Neck

Not sure if I fancy two reptiles running about my neck but this chick sure as hell loves her reptile tattoos, some peeps say I am like a snake, tis a rotten thing to say, although I do shed skin when I get sunburnt.
Tattoo Designs For Neck

A tattoo hub wouldn't be the same now without a good tribal tattoo. I wish somebody wud explain the tribal tattoo to me, is it some global tribe that get tattooed or wat, I feel left out and uninvited.
Tribal Tattoo Designs For Neck

I dunno whether I like this one or not, a tree tattoo on yer neck, maybe her friends like it and they are all rooting for her, oh well one has to branch out in the tattoos I guess !
Tree Tattoo Designs For Neck

Pretty and enchanting, grand and fashionable, tattoos make a lasting impression on the mind. Tattooing is an ancient body art form which is practiced on the human body in order to beautify it. Nowadays, people from all walks of life choose to etch one. It's no longer restricted to the rebels and anti-social kinds. Girl tattoos are not very uncommon now, rather many girls prefer to get a tattoo done in order to make a style statement. To know more about tattoos for women, go through, feminine tattoo designs.

There are different areas of your body where a tattoo would look good. Arm is one of the most popular sites to get a tattoo. Also, shoulder, ankle, hip and stomach are some of the other areas where you can get a tattoo. But if you can dare to do something different, I suggest you go for neck tattoos. Neck tattoos for girls may run a risk than other tattoos as the skin of the neck is quite sensitive and may cause a great deal of pain. But the end result would be something you would simply love to flaunt.

Different Types of Neck Tattoos for Girls
Neck tattoos are often small and cute, nevertheless, compelling people to have a second glance. Just what you would like, isn't it? You can have the tattoo on the front part of the neck, but tattoos on the nape of the neck are more popular among women. With hair down on the shoulder, it plays peekaboo and according to your whims and fancies, you can always hide it too. Here are common neck tattoos for women.

Arm Tattoo with Lord Ganesha Tattoo Style and Flower Tattoo Design

Arm Tattoo with Lord Ganesha Tattoo Style and Flower Tattoo Design
Arm Tattoo with Lord Ganesha Tattoo Style and Flower Tattoo Design

There are many tattoo ideas | Back Body Girls Tattoos

Tattoos for Girls - Ideal Places to Have Tattoos on Your Body

For many people tattoos are a form of body art. This form of body art is becoming very popular amongst the young men and women. One of the main drivers of tattoos has been the women. Till a few years back, women with tattoos were considered to be of loose character and rebels. However, this perception has changed now and the society has accepted tattooing. There are many tattoo ideas. However, when it comes to tattoos for girls, there is a wide variety of tattoos to choose from. So, unless you know what you want, it becomes quite difficult to find one.

There are many tattoo ideas | Back Body Girls TattoosBack Body Girls With Pigeon Tattoos
There are many tattoo ideas | Back Body Girls TattoosBack Body Girls With Butterfly Tattoos
There are many tattoo ideas | Back Body Girls TattoosBack Body Girls With Bird Tattoos

Though tattoos can be put on any part of your body, there are still some favorite spots that girls prefer to have a tattoo. Let us try and find out what these locations are.

Many girls prefer having a tattoo on their lower back. Lower back tattoos for girls are very popular because a tattoo in the lower back portion is considered to be sexy and beautiful. Another reason for the popularity is that the lower back offers a wider and smoother space for a large tattoo. Apart from the lower back girls also prefer to have tattoos all over their back. It is not uncommon to see a girl with a floral tattoo on her back or a girl with a tattoo on the back of the neck.

There are a lot of girls who prefer having a tattoo on their wrists. Wrist tattoos for girls are ideal because they are trendy and fashionable. Other areas on the body where a tattoo will look visually stunning are the shoulder area and the arms. Shoulder tattoos for girls normally comprises of stars, flowers, angels, etc. The arm tattoos include flowers, butterflies, etc. However, you can choose to have any kind of tattoo on your shoulder, neck, lower back and other places.

I am here to make things really easy for you however. There are close to 700 tattoo membership's site out there but we know the top 3. How? Because I have access to a site that lets me know stats such as users, return rates and consumer ratings. So my wife and I made a blog of the top 3 tattoo sites out there. We did a male and female section since some are more geared toward women and vice versa.

Click the link to see what we have found to be the top female tattoo gallery on the web. We promise you will not be sorry. We have done hours and hours of research and have helped many women find exactly what they are looking for!

Sexy Girl Chest trunk female Tattoo Picture

Sexy Girl Chest trunk female Tattoo PictureSexy Girl Chest Tattoo Design

Sexy Girl Chest trunk female Tattoo PictureSexy Girl Chest Tattoo Picture

The majority of the women will finish looking to the top a group of generic tattooing of trunk female on the Web. Anyhow hard the majority of the people test, they always finish to the top with the speed reading by the bottom-of-the-range galleries, which do not have anything but by the drawing-model and not much of another credits to be offered. This occurs for a specific reason and it can be avoided for the majority. I will tell you a good manners to discover the galleries of tattooing of quality to obtain there a catch of great tattooing of trunk female.

Tribal Tattoo Meanings Design

Tribal Tattoo Meanings Design
tribal tattoo meanings design

Japanese Tribal Back Tattoo Design and Art

Japanese Tribal Back Tattoo Design and ArtJapanese Tribal Back Tattoo Design and Art

Japanese Tribal Back Tattoo Design and ArtJapanese Tribal Back Tattoo Design and Art

Back tattooing of tribal make a return very impressing lately, with tribal designs for other parts of the body. These designs had one period of back of popularity in the middle of last century, but took a little a bench since then postpones. Since the last decade of the previous century, tribal tattooing of all the types were back of mode still.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dragon on the Shoulder Tattoo Design

Dragon on the Shoulder Tattoo Design
Another very detailed free tattoo design. See it from another angle:

Dragon on the Shoulder Tattoo Design
Thick fog around the dragon is typical Chinese style.

Great bird tattoo for girls

Great bird tattoo for girls

Great bird tattoo for girls

The bird in this tattoo is a traditional sign of luck in China. Great tattoo for girls

Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo

Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 1Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 1

Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 2Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 2

Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 3Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 3

Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 4Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 4

Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 5Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 5

Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 6Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 6

Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 7Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 7

Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 8Angel Tattoo Designs Especially Angel Wings Tattoos With Image Female Back Piece Angel Wings Tattoo Picture 8

Big Drug Mexican Gang Tattoos

Big Drug Mexican Gang Tattoos

In destitute crime ridden neighborhoods, growing children aren’t given a alternative with regard to joining a gang. The kids engage themselves in gangs for their security and so that they shall belong. In any way, it is ironic because protection is not a warranty when belonging in a gang. As fact states, belonging in a gang causes a set of people to conclusion up as prisoners or even six feet beneath the turf. One of the affiliation marks that members have is the gang tattoos. Noticeable – this is the ideal description of how gang tattoos are made, so that other people involved in gangs would see it.

It’s variety of like a title tag for ushers at church or people at stores for others to approach. These tattoos are preordained to be different still comparable to their respective manner. If a person has always watched one of the documentaries shows approximately prisons and prison life, they shall frequently see people with gang tattoos because in prison, most of the people belong to gangs for protection interior the prison. It is ultimate that a gang tattoo is present for people at the prison, because it is what the prison seems for. It is to sure that they do not misplace the people in areas with other gangs. They shall be defeat up or even worse, they shall be killed or stabbed.

Big Drug Mexican Gang Tattoos

In most cities crossways America, the recognition of gang members is what the local police word so tough for. Lists and pictures subsist so that the police can simply recognise the gangs. The risk of danger is so lofty in some areas that the police shall merely go with backup support. It is a prearranged that they seem for gang tattoos whenever they go to these areas. Big drug busts on television generally begin with gangs in mind. This is because the gangs generally manage the drugs.

Mexican gang tattoos its not ever for amusing and play to have gang tattoos. They are very actual and they stand for sinister in the neighborhoods in which they live. Keeping blameless people secure is a no brainer for gang tattoo bearers; they are regularly prone to slay for any or no purpose at all. With drive by shootings there are frequently people killed who just happen to be in the mistaken place at the mistaken time. Those that have gang tattoos do not get them because they seem cool, they really shall possibly not go away. There might be a diverse range of tattoos, it might be fine looking and might stand out on its own; but a gang tattoo shall ever have its mark specifically though telling everybody to reside away! This picture is certainly is as clear as crystal.

The Tribal Shoulder Tattoos

The Tribal Shoulder Tattoos

One of the more well-liked tattoo designs above the ago 10 to 15 years has been the tribal shoulder tattoos. These are designs that come from distinct tribes around the globe and interpreted into our respective everyday grind. Numerous sports players have the tribal tattoos and design and the style has been gaining impetus.

The Maori design has been very well-liked for some time now that, but it is frequently overlooked what the important meaning of numerous of these designs is. They can occasionally be offensive to the Maori people and offence has been taken in the ago when a modest person has got tribal shoulder tattoos in a Maori design and ended up sorry for their choice.

If you are going to seem into these sorts of designs, it is significant you revere the tradition that the design found from. A failure to do so can insult and offend numerous. Whether you are willing to seem into tribal shoulder tattoos and the meanings of the signs that you need to recreate, you should tried to study as much as you can approximately the tradition and meanings at the back the design.

Flying Tiger Tattoo Design.

Flying Tiger Tattoo Design
Flying Tiger Tattoo Design
There is an old Chinese Idioma tiger with wings, which is to say something becomes even more powerful. The artist spent about 6 hours on this tattoo and made this masterpiece.

Free Symmetric Tattoo Designs

Free Symmetric Tattoo Designs
You need to do lot of research to every detail of the design of the tattoo including the color, picture, and meaning and to the part of your body where it has to be inked. Colors and pictures correspond with different vibrations of feeling and understanding of things and placing a tattoo is as personal as the tattoo itself.

Free Symmetric Tattoo Designs
These are for two lovers- symmetric tattoo designs.

Small Free Tattoo Designs

Small Free Tattoo Designs
their first tattoo

Small Free Tattoo DesignsScorpion tattoo
There are tons of people on the internet today that are looking for small free tattoo designs. These a great little tattoos that can be used to cover up a birthmark, scar, blemish or part of another free tattoo. Small free tattoo designs are also great for people getting their first tattoo. However if you are getting a small free tattoo design done for you then you want to think carefully about the design you want. There are some things to consider before deciding on the exact design you want and especially if the free tattoo is small. (to be continued)

New Warrior Faces Ttattoo Design

New Warrior Faces Ttattoo Design
New Warrior Faces Ttattoo Design
New Warrior Faces Ttattoo Design
In this free tattoo design, there are three exquisite warrior faces. Any one of them is good enough and this guy got three on him. What a lucky dog!
Little Knowledge:
You've looked through dozens of flash books, magazines and websites and weeded through 1,000s of different free tattoo designs for the perfect piece of body art. But, does the design have a hidden meaning or symbolism and is that important to you prior to permanently placing it on your body. There are books and websites available that offer suggestions as to the meanings of some common free tattoo designs that you might want to take a look at, in case the meaning behind the ink is something you might not like.

The Face Expression Tattoo Design

The Face Expression Tattoo Design
The Face Expression Tattoo DesignThe Face Expression Tattoo Design
If you look carefully at this free tattoo design, you can see the face expression of the tattoo changes as the guy are doing different gestures.
Little tips: Read the book "The Tattoo Encyclopedia: A Guide to Choosing Your Tattoo" By Terisa Green, PhD, which contains over 800 tattoo symbols and their meanings for your reading pleasure.

Zodiac Libra Tattoo Designs Gallery

Zodiac Libra Tattoo Designs Gallery Picture 4

Zodiac Libra Tattoo Designs Gallery Picture 5

Zodiac Libra Tattoo Designs Gallery Picture 6

Zodiac Libra Tattoo Designs Gallery Picture 7

Zodiac Libra Tattoo Designs Gallery Picture 8